On October 10, 2010 I embark on a 2 month trip to Beijing to open up THE FIRST Gap store in China. I will be part of the Beijing team in Chaobei Joy City, a large scale regional shopping center. By the end of 2010 there we will have 4 Gaps opened, 2 in Beijing and 2 in Shanghai.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Day 9 - Oct 17th The Great Wall

Woke up at 6 am to got meet the APM team at their apartment at 8 am.
Gap transportation hooked us up with a mini van to take us to the Great Wall.
Karen C. was on her way to Chengdu to hold a panda (damn her!) and Nathan had already gone to the wall so that left me, Jim and Joanne, then Justin, Mike and Karen B. from APM team.

It took about 2 hours to get there since we left early and traffic wasn't too bad.
The air was freezing, but it felt really good to be away from the city and the pollution.
The driver dropped us off and we were on our way...
We decided to walk up to the wall and take a cable car down. Apparently you can "toboggan" down the wall, which is like a louge. We said we would do that the next time we go.

Camel rides

Starting our climb

One of many breaks

Which way do we go?

We made it!

I'm on the wall y'all!!!!

Many group pictures later...

Chaobei team is #1 (Jim is wearing his tap team shirt)

Justin celebrates with a beer on the Great Wall

Here is a video Joanne took on the Wall

The cable car ride down was fun
and the view was amazing.

There were many stalls of knick-knacks on the way down
I bought a t-shirt that said "I climbed the Great Wall"

We conquered the Wall!!!

I can't wait to take my mom :)

For dinner - some people were craving American food so we ate at this Irish pub called Molly Malones that had hamburger, tomato soup and chicken salad sandwiches.
Not a bad way to end a great day :)

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