On October 10, 2010 I embark on a 2 month trip to Beijing to open up THE FIRST Gap store in China. I will be part of the Beijing team in Chaobei Joy City, a large scale regional shopping center. By the end of 2010 there we will have 4 Gaps opened, 2 in Beijing and 2 in Shanghai.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Day 18 - Oct 26

Today we had a managers and STA meeting at the "Chaobei office" aka Starbucks
Starbucks - Our second home - we seriously spend anywhere from 4-10 hours here a day
May (GM for APM) and Gary (GM for Chaobei) going over the 10 day battle plan with Lordus

Zeus (VM), Raymond (CM) and Edie (DM)

All our separate group huddles - We are seriously taking over this Starbucks

Joanne, Daniel and Arthur talking about the fixture delivery for tomorrow's overnight

Trisha and Carol going over VM stuff

We went over how the fixture delivery schedule and wall sets should look.

The 2nd Floor is suppose to be handed over to us tomorrow at 5 pm...I don't think its going to be ready...
Girls room

Boys room

Escalators to the first floor

Our poor sales associates had to move all these boxes back into the training room after spending 6 hours training...this is only about 1/4 of the boxes

The 1st Floor is worse! and it is suppose to be handed over to us by 5 pm tomorrow @__@

The Japan team flies in tomorrow to review the store before the fixture start coming in.

The rest of the day we had P & P training and VM standards training.

We had to steal random places around the mall to conduct these training...
Zeus and I conducted our VM training hidden behind a restaurant

The mall is freezing! It is about 36 degrees in Beijing right now...brrrr I was not prepared for this.

I am going to call it an early night. I have a gigantic blister on my toe and it is too cold to function so I am going to eat my 10 dumplings (for $1.20), finish my book and prepare myself for the Forbidden City tomorrow :)

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