On October 10, 2010 I embark on a 2 month trip to Beijing to open up THE FIRST Gap store in China. I will be part of the Beijing team in Chaobei Joy City, a large scale regional shopping center. By the end of 2010 there we will have 4 Gaps opened, 2 in Beijing and 2 in Shanghai.

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Randoms Oct 26 - Nov 6

-I am losing track of time- all my days are meshing together...tomorrow will be the one month mark and it seriously feels like it's only been a week!!! Time flies!!!

Here are some random pictures of the past few days of pre-opening set up:

Our home-made lundies for extra storage

Preparing to take down the Introduction Banner

Mannequin delivery - I believe theres 280+ mannequins there.

Boys Orange wall - in progress

Adult Cashwrap - 1st floor

Kids & Baby Cashwrap - 2nd floor

Store front reveled! - still a work in progress

Kid's fitting room

Super cute slippers I bought for my mom

They have the best teas here!

Dim sum in our Mall

This place is called My Place for Dumplings

Hahaha toddler disco mannies

Mall lunch

Karen C checking her schedule

Karen B with her sweet hot dog :p

Pomegranate Sunkist (not too bad)

Fish ball Soup - Radish Cakes - Almond Snow Pear Tea (my new obsession)

Yay - finally a cleaned out room!

We call him Caramel - Japan-team - looove him

Junji-san from the Japan-team

Junji-san and Shoho!!! --->MY FAVORITE! We call him Diva

Lots of denim

Morning huddle

Getting our organization on

Sketchy escalator "scaffold"

Joanne & Liang & WNS ACC

BOXES BOXES BOXES!!! so sick of boxes (=____=)

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