On October 10, 2010 I embark on a 2 month trip to Beijing to open up THE FIRST Gap store in China. I will be part of the Beijing team in Chaobei Joy City, a large scale regional shopping center. By the end of 2010 there we will have 4 Gaps opened, 2 in Beijing and 2 in Shanghai.

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Forbidden City Oct 27th

I am going to back track a little since I have been too sick/working and couldn't update.

Oct 27th - Joanne and I go to the Forbidden City.

The weather was perfect! Which was surprising since the days before had been freezing.
We spent a good 4 hours there. That place is HUGE and you just keep walking and walking and walking.


It was 'group tour' day or something - there were so many of them.

Joanne took a video in the City

After the Forbidden City we walked over to Wang fu jing and ate at the Oriental Plaza

I love how all their "fast food" here is handmade fresh.

These guys are making noodles from dough - it's crazy to watch them do this.

Mmmm...dim sum

Then we spied some sweet treats that looked too good to eat...

After we ate Joanne had to run home to take a nap before her overnight. I made my way to the Pearl Market off the Tiantandongmen stop.
That place is really overwhelming. I ended up picking up some gifts there.
By 7 pm my legs were so tired I had to high-tail it home.


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